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Special Green Tea from Authentea

sourceAuthentea Inc


Special Green Tea from Authentea

Amazing Benefits of Green Tea: The Healthiest Drink in the World...Let's get into some details here, and next time you taste the green tea, you can feel extra good about yourself!

The famous function of Green Tea is to lose weight. Green Tea Fat Burner is a weight-loss supplement made by California-based company Applied Nutrition. Its primary ingredient - green tea -is fat burner. Green tea leaves contain antioxidants called catechins, some of which can burn fat. Even though green tea has the potential to burn fat, don't set your weight-loss expectations too high. One drawback is that green tea is not easily absorbed into the bloodstream. You may improve absorption by taking supplements on an empty stomach, reported a studyin Antioxidants in June 2015.

Special Green Tea from Authentea                                                                     

What we have is what we can take in. Normally other green tea products are consumed by steeping the tea leaves or tea bags infused with hot water. Only 10%-20% of the healthy nutrients are consumed when drinking steeped tea. Authentea pure green tea extract, however, is full of nutrient essences in tea without any dregs.Its nano-level extraction process makes the nutrition essences in tea far more readily for human body absorption.

Product Feature                                                                                    

-Natural: 100% Natural Tea & Herb Extraction

-Safe: Contamination Free/Additive Free/ Preservative Free

-Tasty: Brilliant Clarity & Excellent Taste

-Convenient: On-the-go/Smart to Take It Along

-Healthy: Nano-level--Nutrients more Readily Absorbed by Human Body

-Trendy: Hot orCold or Iced  Water Soluble


Authentea pure green tea extract,anytime anywhere, just with pure water,a trendy tea is ready for you! By self-invented extraction technology, this incredible tea is 100% natural, preservative and pesticide residues free, hot or cold water soluble, and full of tea nutrients more easily absorbable…Small is premium. Each sachet of Pure Tea Extract contains only 0.6g.With full content of tea essences without any colors or preservatives, it can go for acup of 200-30ml nice healthy tea drink just in 3 seconds. Enjoy the essence of premium green tea in very sip!